Zhengguo Xiao

Zhengguo Xiao (肖正国)

Professor (教授)

Department of Physics (物理系)

CAS Key Laboratory of Strongly-Coupled Quantum Matter Physics


University of Science and Technology of China (图书馆VIP)



Ph.D. (Materials engineering)                 University of Nebraska-Lincoln                         August 2015

M.S. (Condensed matter physics)           Chinese Academy of Sciences                             May 2011

B.S. (Applied physics)    Shandong University of Science and Technology of China        June 2008


Professor                                University of Science and Technology of China               03/2018-present

Visiting scholar                      Princeton University                                                           05/2018-12/2018

Postdoctoral researcher         Princeton University                                                          09/2015-02/2018

Research assistant                  University of Nebraska-Lincoln                                        06/2013-08/2015

Teaching assistant                  University of Nebraska-Lincoln                                        09/2012-05/2013

Research assistant                  University of Nebraska-Lincoln                                        08/2011-08/2012

Research assistant                  Chinese Academy of Sciences                                            09/2008-06/2011


Dec. 2015      Graduate Student Award (Silver), MRS Fall meeting, 2015

April 2015     Outstanding Research Assistant Award (College of engineering, UNL)

Dec. 2014      Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad

May 2014      Dr. James C. and Joan. R. Wolford Fellowship for Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant                                 (Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, UNL)

April 2013     Student Travel Award, MRS 2013 spring meeting

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